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U.S. Views on Diversity and Inclusion in Children's Books

This graphic shows that in 2018, animals and inanimate objects had a better chance of being represented in children's books than all other marginalized groups of people combined.


There are a great deal of available resources for promoting and seeking out diverse books in the U.S., suggesting it is awakening to the importance and scarcity of diverse books for children.



  • Jenessa Flores Parker, a manager of JumpStart Preschool, examines at length "The Importance of Diversity and Inclusion in Children’s Books" in regards to libraries and their interactions with immigrants from Mexico and the ability of U.S. libraries to provide books in Spanish.


  • Librarians, teachers, parents, and readers can search for specific demographics in pictures books that feature Black and Indigenous people and People of Color through the U.S. based website, "Diverse Book Finder".

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